Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who Told You?

Man was never afraid before he ate of the tree
of knowledge. He fellowshipped easily with God.

He did not feel that he was being judged. He was
innocent and naive. Man only knew God's love.

Then Satan entered the picture.

God said to Adam, "Who told you that you were naked."

God always ask us, "Who told you?"

It is important who we listen to.

mtc 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Pain of Love

Suffering is part of being human and Christian.
Those who love most seem to suffer most from
the plight of others.

We need prayer even if God does not grant our
prayer request. Asking why is never productive.

As we grow spiritually we are able to bear more
burdens. It is not pleasant but we share with Christ
in the pain of love.

mtc 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Depraved Calvinism

Calvinism is more than an academic debate.

How could anyone believe that my three month
old grand-daughter could be on God's list of those
with no hope - Born to Lose?

No amount of prayer, Sunday School, VBS, AWANAS,
Sermons or Singing could change that fact if she is
destine to hell.

How could a Calvinist have children knowing
such is possible? Even non-select dying babies would
go to hell. They reach accountability at conception.

How could any Christian actually believe in "no hope"
Christianity. Born to Lose is depraved thinking.

Maybe Calvin was not one of the elect.

mtc 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Freedom's Hidden Cost

The May 25 Army Times pictured faces of 395 fallen soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. In the previous twelve months, these US men and women died in the wars. Seeing the Faces of the Fallen make the cost of freedom especially real. The total number is near 5,000.

It is too late to pray for those who did not know Christ. They have gone to hell preserving our freedom.

Pray for the salvation of those who will yet die.

mtc 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Our God is a Jealous God

In many Baptist churches, Old Glory will fly especially
high on Sunday morning. The music will be uplifting
and patriotic. We will pledge our allegiance to the flag
and to the United States of America. Our hearts will
beat hard within our chests. We will remember the
price that has been paid and continues to be paid for
our freedom. Our emotions will be made tender by
the sacrifices and our resolve will be strengthened
to fight all who would seek to tread on the USA. God
help us to be faithful citizens and God Bless America.

Old Glory will be the star as the state goes to church
this weekend. Our God is a jealous God!

mtc 2009

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Eighth Day

God created for six days and
On the seventh day he rested

God knew man would sin and die
So, He planned a new creation

On the eighth day he returned to work
And worked until the work was done

Then He shouted with a loud voice
"It is finished"

mtc 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jihan's Testimony

Jihan, my wife of thirty-three years, is from Korea. This is her

My parents were Buddhist. So, I was raised Buddhist. I went
to the Buddhist temple and bowed before Buddha asking for
blessings. My neighbor was a Buddhist fortune teller who taught
me the discipline of prayer and giving to receive blessings.

At the age of eighteen I met a young Christian woman who
became my piano teacher. She invited me to go to church. Since
I liked her, I went to church with her regularly. Soon I had a life
changing experience. I rejected Buddhism and chose Christ.

My mother notice the difference, so I told her what I had done.
Because I left Buddhism, she blamed me once when she was
unable to move her arms. Later she said my God was more
powerful than hers. Six years later she died of cancer. But,
before she died she also rejected Buddhism and accepted Christ
as Savior and Lord.

Before trusting in Christ, I was superstitious and fearful. I
was always seeking personal blessings. Now, I know that
God really loves me. I am more at peace with myself. I try to
be a blessing to others. I am sure that I am going to heaven.

I thank God for my piano teacher who invited me to church. I
thank God for the small Baptist church in Korea that showed
God's love to me and for the pastor's wife that taught me what
it means to be a follower of Christ. I thank God for the Bible.
Most of all, I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for making it possible
for my spirit to be born again and for His Spirit to reside within
me to seal my salvation, to comfort me, to disciple me, to counsel
me, to help me pray, and to provide spiritual gifts for me to use in
His church. I look forward with great anticipation to Christ's

If you are not a follower of Jesus the Christ, seek Him. You too can
have a life changing experience guaranteed for eternity.

Jihan 2001